Demo of Fishial.AI Portal

Fishial.AI Portal

Getting started

  1. Visit the Fishial portal website:
  2. Create an account or Login to an existing account or login to our demo account "" with a password of: "demodemo"

User profile and how to upload an image

  1. After logging in you will see your user profile and can update various fields such as your biography and the ability to update your account profile photo

  2. To upload your first image on the left side navigation bar click on "images" selection

    User Summary
  3. Click on "Add images" in top right corner

    User Summary
  4. Click on "Upload your images" or drag & drop one or more images to menu or upload images using a batch load CSV file.

    User Summary
  5. Select one or more images then click on "open" or drag & drop your images

    User Summary
  6. The selected images will show up in the upload window and you can then override your copyright defaults set in your profile and then click on "Submit"

    User Summary
  1. The image gallery shows what images have been uploaded by catalog and allows for various operations such as (edit image, delete image, add image, search, etc.)
User Summary


  1. Shows each photo status and number of tags created and species names
  2. Select one or more images to edit, delete or submit to the Fishial.AI collection
  3. Toggle view of image gallery from detailed to thumb nail view
  4. Switch between image catalog's
  5. Search by species or status of images

Edit one or more image

  1. In order to edit one ore more images, select an image from the image gallery by clicking on the left checkbox next to the image and click on edit or the pencil icon.
User Summary


  • Draw a polygon around a fish in the image
    • Automatic object selection & polygon creation tool
    • Tag fish species in image and other meta tags
    • See & set image copyrights per image
  • Draw polygons around various fish traits in selected object
    • Tag fish specie in object
    • Fish traits helper image below object
    • Fish traits supported
    • Mouth form
    • Caudal Fin
    • Pectoral Fin
    • Anal Fin
    • Head shape
    • Dorsal Fin
    • Eye
    • Fish Scales
  • Multiple fish species can be tagged creating one polygon per fish in photo

User Summary

User Summary


  • User uploaded stats by
    • Total count of images uploaded
    • Total count of images tagged by fish traits
    • Count of Unique species upload
    • Your overall ranking as compared to other users on the platform
  • Uploaded image counts by date
  • Earn badges as you achieve various milestones (image uploads, tags etc.)