Fishial Collection Peer Review of Images
When reviewing and accepting user & team images summitted to the Fishial Collection it is critical the Fishial Collection editor/reviewer only accept images that follow the best practices outlined in the following documents:
Image Datasets
- Fish species Object Detection model dataset
- Fish species recreational detection model dataset
- Fish species under water detection model dataset
- Test fish species dataset
- No fish in photo dataset
- Fish art & drawing dataset
Reviewing a summited Image to Fishial Collection
Make sure each fish in the image has a polygon and all associated information is correct
- Check Meta-Data fields setting in upload image
- if “Photo taken under water” make sure it's turned on
- if “No fish“ in image make sure it's turned on
- If “Not a real fish photo (i.e. art/drawing) ” make sure it's turned on
- If “Test image” only make sure it's turned on
- If “Should be Included in Object Detection Model” make sure it's turned on
- If image is a X-Ray make sure it's turned on
Fish Object Polygons/Polylines
- Make sure the polyline is tightly drawn around the fish and only the fish is included in polygon. No hands, or other objects should be included in the polygon.
Species name assigned to polygon
- The traits can only be labeled after the polygon has been tagged with a species name
- If species name is specified verify it's correct
- If you don't know the species consider
- You can try the Fish Identification function with editor
- Assigning the image to someone else to review
- As a last resort, the species can be labeled as "Unknown"
Species Meta Data
- If known, check & update fishes Sex
- If known, check & update fishes Age
- If known, check & update if fish is Spawning
- If known, check & update the water depth
- If known, check & update the fishes weight
- If known, check & update the fish total length
- If known, check & update the fishes girth
Fish Traits
- Check that all fish trait polygons are accurately drawn
Measurement Line
- If the fish polygon clearly shows the "Total Length of the fish" then draw the TC length using the draw tool
How to submit image
Once you have reviewed the image for completeness click "Submittal Review" and a screen like this will be displayed

Note that when you hover the cursor over the photo thumbnail a larger image will display for your review
If everything checks out click on the "Submit" button to change image state to "Verified"